About Us

Founder & Chairman Message


I feel immense pleasure to introduce you to Disha Law College. 
It shows sprawling campus, big buildings, beautiful interiors, world class equipments, electronic gadgets and in-depth scenario where eyes can rest. But it is also showing jubilant youths, walking firmly, taking leaps, jumping with confidence, yawning and opening eyes to an era of wisdom, the wisdom which is not only a tool of learning or not a mental game to win but is also to enrich our conscience to unfold the darkness of unknown and to pull us to higher universe with excellent tools to over come negative forces. We at 
Disha Law College are committed to touch this part of the wisdom in our self as well as to create the environment for youth of next generation also. 
Friends, I clearly believe that convergence of thought leads to revolution and convergence of thoughtful action culminate into the evolution. I, along with my co-owners of vision, hope that our future plans would weave well with the aspirations of academic fraternity. 
I invite you all to explore the future prospects of your wards through meaningful learning with conscience. 


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