Secretary Message
Dear Students,
It is our strong belief that every individual has the urge to excel by developing the inborn potential and gifts that they are endowed with.
Disha Education Society will be the catalyst in this process of providing an environment to enhance knowledge and acquire personality that is both dynamic and self-assertive.
The legal professional is one among the few that has the potential to make a genuine difference in society. Disha Law College is an entity recognized as an architect for carving competitive
professionals in legal field. While we see ourselves as facilitators of change, it is the passion and commitment displayed by you and makes change possible. We strongly believe that the ethics, values and sense of social justice you imbibe from the faculty at Disha Law College will serve to guide and power your legal career. Disha Law College is blend of academic experts, caring faculties, and dynamic curriculum, research, and moot court facilities make it the best choice to launch your career or enhance your professional skills.
The legal professional is a noble professional. The study of law is a rigorous undertaking because our society entrusts lawyer with grave responsibilities. For making a perfect lawyer who is in a
position to take the responsibilities, we need a Law institute and courses which are useful for the growth and development of the students.
The thrust of education at Disha Law College is not only to produce mere degree holders but the bright young men and women equipped enough to foray into the world with an all round
development of personality.
I wish them all the success in a life ahead.
Dr, A.K Tiwari
Disha Education Society, Raipur C.G.