Welcome To Disha Law College
Disha Law College, Raipur aims at building the capabilities of its students in such way that they are ready for the outside legal world. Therefore utmost importance is placed from first semester on clinical legal education and internships at various Non-governmental organizations, legal departments, under advocates and corporate bodies. Workshops, seminars and mock moot competitions are organized regularly at Disha Law College to intellectually provoke the students to think about societal issues and the role they can play in solving such problems. The college also organizes trips to Lokadalats and various courts and forums to aware the students about how judiciary functions. The aim is always to brush up the advocacy skills of students according to working strategies of law in real world.
Technocrats & Managers are the architect of new emerging virtual & global village. Learning or acquiring knowledge or mastering methodology is required but not sufficient. The wealth creators need to enhance inner skill of knowing thyselves. The new holistic vision of the world and the new corporate requirements need a new breed of global managers who would not only contribute to the development of their organization but would also provide leadership to the society to make the world a better place for living.
In order to keep pace with the velocity of change and thrive in an uncertain environment our Society has already shifted gears to a mode of mastering change.
We are confident that our high value adding initiatives will help create tomorrow's skilled leaders as value is all about up skilling individuals and contributing to business results. Therefore our motto is learning with conscience. Welcome to the Disha family!

Shri S.K. Jain
With immense pleasure and warmth, I welcome everyone at Disha Law College one of the endeavour of Disha Education Society and oblige for the trust and responsibility that you have endowed with our institution. We, at Disha Law College, strive hard to realize the goals and aims of a sound educational philosophy of converting our children into self dependant.

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Our Teacher

Mr. Amit Srivasan

Mrs. Disha Sharma
Mr. Yudhveer Parihar

Mr. Santosh Kumar Morya

Ms. Dali Kataria

Ms. Khirabdi Tannaya Rout

Ms. Apurva Chandrakar

Mr. Suryakant Sahoo

Ms. Richa Thakur